For myself, Years after a long lingering Covid experience ,and as a caregiver at home,
see sometimes how difficult it is to find what you need to move forward.
Many people are experiencing more anxiety and are dealing with huge life changes.
I would love to see a place to go , and a way to get there. if needed. For anyone that needs it, may it be sharing of resources ,information , tips , time, encouragement. a co operative , bringing learning ,about ourselves, others and how to get what you want thru helping others.
A "go to" for connections , to others, advice, help or relief in times of disaster and the experience of others who have been there. Learning from other cultures or having a play day. A place to feel community and connectedness. Created by the people ,us . thru collaberation with buisnesses government ,provincial and federal, our future is at stake so let's get involved in creating a safe place to find what we are looking for. To be heard in a respectful environment.
There seems to be so many holes between what we all need and how to get it. So many road blocks to things . Especially in our conversations. Thinking more from your heart than from your biases and opinions. We need to acknowledge that we need each other and personally we need to acknowledge the good things we do instead of focusing on what we don't do so well , yet. Lets get off the wheel of circumstance and choose a new vision of how our lives could be ,with respect for ourselves and others. Under our skin we are all the same.
I believe we need an all inclusive diverse environment where we can go to find ourselves . A beautiful place to relax ,roam ,learn from our elders and children,,explore and still be able to use a washroom or find food. School trips or day breaks for police ,fire and ambulance ,self care days. Pop up dome shelters in emergency. So may avenues to explore.
We need to take care of each other , instead of just Talking about each other.
We can shift our attention
to creating solutions and give our futures a better chance.
We all need self care ,and our bodies minds and souls are craving that. Yes there are seniors centres and athletic parks and gyms , but Id like to see more diversity in gatherings ,where no one is
turned away .
A beautiful Place and Space for all to enjoy.
Collectively we all want to have a great life.
Separately we sometimes have struggles and fears. Together we can open up our hearts and let go of feelings and thoughts we have kept secret because we feel shame or fear of rejection .
No one is perfect, we all go through so much. Theres nothing to be ashamed of.
We are all Human and that is part of the experience.
For too long we have suffered in silence and held onto so many things that do us no good at all. Free yourself from self negating thoughts . Set an intention to recognize these self defeating loops that go thru your head. Let it all go.
Pay no "attention" . to the man behind the curtain.
Are they all your thoughts? they most likely arise from the natural desire to keep you safe. Sadly I see that by listening to those thoughts repeatedly you are cutting yourself off from our true self.
In the past, I found it more " comfortable" to be in a negative situation that was familiar than to go outside the comfort zone to a new possibly happier place. That's the egos favorite trick.
Fear can not Ascend
so we need to find a higher perspective.
Re articulate .
We are so much more than just our mind.
Our body needs as much attention as we give our thoughts. Move your body in any way you can. Just keep moving forward. One step at a time.
For now this is only a website but my dream is to create a centre for all to attend for learning, sharing or just a place to break from the normal.
Join me in turning the page on loneliness and pain. No one should have to go it alone. Exclude no one .Be curious connect and learn from other cultures. Make information and resources available to all who need them.
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Cheri Bilodeau 2023
Many blessings and amazing days to you all! Cheri Bilodeau.